Water Temple with people removed

Image Editing with an Eye for Detail

The extensive Photoshop experience KarcherHaus offers will help you in any capacity where images are involved. Whether it is something a simple as red eye removal or a complex collage of different images, KarcherHaus makes it look seamless and natural, even when viewed through a loupe.

KarcherHaus has worked in scanning and color correction for many years, and can optimize your images to look terrific on screen or on paper. Additionally, KarcherHaus uses the latest technology for printing in four color process. We also make the best use of spot colors so duotones and tritones have the best range, contrast and detail. Digital printers today use a much larger color gamut than traditional offset, and can approach monitor RGB in the amount of colors they reproduce. KarcherHaus will give you the best color for print or web, regardless of its output.

old photo repairedWe specialize in repairing old photographs, removing scratches, creases and fingerprints, bringing lost details back to life and fixing colors bleached by time and sun.